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A day off & Kind People

Sitting in the sunshine with a bottle of Becks looking out over the verdant grasslands of Belmont Hall Park in Cheshire..

Had a lovely evening with Lyn's brother, Graham, his wife, Chris, and son, Matt. The day didn't get off to the best start as we had a flat tyre and it appears that not all tyre firms are geared up to dealing with inner tubes!

We played around with Henry's magneto, which is playing up. Never had a problem in the past so it is a bit frustrating so we may end up using the spare.

A lady came up to us in Leyland yesterday and thrust £10 into my hand and a man called Tom who is a volunteer at the Leyland Transport museum Hopped into Henry and guided us through the modified road system in a way that my satnav couldn't.

People are so kind x

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